Stephone Mejia: The Unpredictable

2/3 Crazy Thoughts, 1/3 Sports

Tag Archives: blog

Double Dose of Videos

I’ve posted this song on my Facebook, but not on here. I heard somebody blasting this song at the Raiders game on Sunday and I was just laughing. I’ve heard this song before, but it was weird hearing it at a tailgate.

I introduce to you, Tim Wilson.

Skip the first ten seconds.

Discount Booty

On a serious note, “Phase Two” for Marvel has begun. The Iron Man 3 trailer was released early this morning. I watched it three times and I still have no idea what to expect.

May 2013 is so far away, I can’t wait!!

It’s Tuesday and I’m already tired. I have to keep it moving though.



Hi Weekend, I Missed You

Do you know what today is? October 19, 2012.  When some networks say 10/19 they don’t mean 10/19. Abed say’s it best,  “…where to put 10/19?”

“It’s a feeling within us all” – Abed”

Today was supposed to be the greatest day ever. Not anymore, NBC decided against showing Community today, further postponing it. No love for one of the best shows since Arrested Development. When it comes back, I’ll be waiting. Until then I’ll re-watch the DVD’s.

I have a tiring long weekend in store. It should be fun and I’m pretty stoked.


I shall take my talents to Berkeley to watch Stanford and Cal for The 115th Big Game. It’s weird to watch a rivalry game so early in the season. With the creation of the Pac-12 Network and scheduling issues, this game got the short end of the stick.  Not only is the game early in the season, it’s also start early – Noon. I always felt that rivalry games should be played at night. The issues with TV contracts led this game to start at Noon.


Oakland will be the place to be for about ten hours. The Jags and the Raiders will do battle. This game is winnable  for the Raiders, along with the next two. If they handle business, they can be at 4-4 at the midway point. That is asking for a lot, so I have my hopes on very low.

Congratulations to the Cardinals for being one win away from the World Series! The Giants lose this series because they left about twenty men on base in Game 3.

The past two nights have been nothing but throwback music at the second job.

Here’s something for your ears…and eyes.

Happy Weekend!

Two – Day Hiatus

I’ve been doing new tasks at work so I haven’t been able to post. I’m good now and I am able to multi-task better.

The Giants are currently playing right now and the office is currently at a standstill. It’s pretty amazing how sports stops everything. If  my team was in the playoffs, I would be doing the same thing so I can’t complain.

It has been a good series and I can see the Giants winning in six or the Cardinals in seven. It hurts me to say that the Giants have a CHANCE of winning.

Last weekend was pretty good. I got to hang out with Seeking Style and we sang a bit. It was more her than me though. She has some nice flow on some songs, I was impressed.

I went to a Pumpkin Patch with King Alex on Sunday. He was a bit scared. The place is located close to the airport and the sounds of the planes were getting to him.

He survived though….

Just Chillin’

He has his first pumpkin!. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the picture. I apologize.

An interesting thing happened to me on Friday night. I guy approached me and was getting angry at for a little bit. Came out of nowhere. He mistaken me for somebody else. His friends were trying to tell him that but I guess the alcohol got to him.

My retaliation video….

Happy Hump Day

What To Do?

Follow away:


Here are a few things you guys and gals can do this weekend, courtesy of me.

What to watch:  Argo

Ben Affleck continues to amaze me when he is behind to camera. Hopefully that streak resumes when I check this out on Sunday. The cast looks stellar as well.

Where to eat/drink: Red Rabbit

I’ve only been here twice and the drinks were awesome. Sacramento folks, I recommend ordering the West Indies Sour. For eats I recommend, via Seeking Style, the Rabbit Ravioli. The dish was small, but it was still delicious according to her.

Junk food of the day:

You can’t hate on the classics.

This weekend, I will be involved with one of these three things. Heck, all three might happen in one day.

I hope the Raiders shock the world against the Falcons on Sunday. If they get the victory, then it will be a successful weekend. If not? Well, then….I probably will not post anything on Monday.

Thank you Reds for allowing the Giants to advance to the League Championship Series, NOT!!!

Kudos to the Tigers for handling business against the A’s. I know I have been hating on the A’s but I do know that they have a good squad. They will be tough to handle next year.

Song of the week:

I looked it up, this song was released ten years ago. Still good though.

Story of my life, Grindin’

Happy Friday my peoples!

My Name Is Humpty

Well, thank you Reds for screwing everything up. Another thanks to the Tigers for letting the A’s live another day. I’m doing research for some posts next week which could be good. Today I nothing special to report besides me wanting the Giants and A’s to lose.

Allow me to amaze thee…

Something tells me I’ve posted this song before. If I did, I apologize for that. Either way, this song is a classic.



A Place To Eat

“ggbfbbtehetbwrnblfvnf feougbnfebenbeob”

That’s how I feel today. It’s unfortunate because it is a very nice day. We all have these type of days, regardless of what the weather is like.

I want to share something. A nice, chill Sunday morning spot.

This place is located in San Francisco and it is DELICIOUS. It’s a restaurant with a cafe feel. It’s a bit pricey but it’s worth it. I can’t wait to eat Toast in a couple of weeks. If you go, YOU WANT the Church Street Omelet. I’ll leave it at that.

Speaking of SF, still in the planning stages for the adventure in two weeks.

Since it’s on my mind…

Happy Tuesday Folks.



Halloween Costume Is Selected!

What. A. Weekend.

My wish is 1/3 complete. The Rangers got knocked out in the Wild Card game on Friday. As of today, the A’s and Giants are one lost away from calling it a season. Harsh? Yes. Awesome? YES. The timelines on my Facebook and Twitter pages were quiet as a result.

My motto: “If my team doesn’t win it all, YOUR(my friends) team doesn’t win it all.”

My weekend was amazing. What did I do? Nothing, I chilled…minus the baseball games this weekend. I don’t remember the last time my weekend was not busy. It was much-needed. I feel refreshed today. I caught up on some sleep and I did some working out. I didn’t even drink alcohol. A weekend of change.

I know this is starting off slow. I usually have something interesting to post but not this time.

Well…maybe one thing. Over the weekend, FOUR different people told me I should be Ron Washington, manager for the Texas Rangers,  for Halloween. I don’t know how I feel about that.  I try not to disappoint my people though. I already own a Rangers hat.

( Yes, I have been hating on the Rangers as of late but I collect MLB hats. I have about 45 hats.)

I would just need a jersey and a little powdered sugar. I guess I could also find somebody and buy the real thing.

Sharing is caring.

We shall see though. I might change my mind. I have two more weeks to decide on the a costume. As of now, Mr. Washington is in the lead.

Perfect video for Ron Washington…

“You know we keep that white girl, Christina Aguilera.”

I love knowing there is a song for EVERYTHING!!

Today is Monday.



My Life

Bitter Day, Bitter DAYS

Well…. I’m back, but not all the way. I hope you enjoyed the post by Josh yesterday, if you didn’t read it, here it is: The Replacement.

Safe to say, he was wrong about the Dodgers. I’m angry, bitter.  I’m taking advantage of happy hour, who wants to join?

I hate the A’s and the Rangers with a passion. Rangers can never win when it counts. The A’s?….whatever. Congrats A’s and Party Up.

Sports, I’m a fan, I take it serious.


Out Of My Mind

I should be using my thoughts, for thinking. Today, I have not been thinking, I will not write. Rough weekend for me, my mind is all over the place. This video sums it up.


Back to writing tomorrow.

Have a good one folks!


Finally Friday

Amazing, we all celebrate once Friday/the weekend arrives and before you know it – BAM! – it’s over. I’m happy, regardless of how quick the weekend always goes.

The second job has killed me this week, chaotic. A small part of me wants to play the sick card tonight. I won’t because they would not appreciate that one bit..

As happy as I am for the weekend, I still have to do more manual labor. This weekend will be known as,  “Moving Weekend”.

Saturday, I shall take my muscle to the Jackson area.

Sunday, I shall take my muscle to the Bay Area.

 The only TWO bright spots for the weekend will be the Raiders game on Sunday


This show is AMAZING.

It’s stories that we read, when we were young, on the tube.

Keeping it mild today.

I wish I had some of this right now…

Soon enough, hopefully.

No rest for the weary. Don’t let my negativity bring down your day.

Remember, it’s the weekend so….


Follow away.
